Is your dog vomiting then trying to gobble it up? This behavior may seem bizarre to us but in the dog world it is par for the course and is considered a delightful course indeed. Dogs probably strive too hard to eat their vomit because 1. their mothers regurgitated food for them when they were puppies and 2. their heightened sense of smell reveals the actual food particles in it.
Some vomiting is normal for dogs. Dogs vomit for many reasons including an irritated stomach, eating too fast or too much, or sometimes because of nervousness. A large amount of the time, vomiting is not something to worry about but sometimes it can indicate a serious condition. If your dog vomits once or more a week and it is accompanied by diarrhea, lethargy, or loss of appetite, check with your vet. The trick is know a bit about canine vomiting, what to do, and when to haul your butt to the emergency vet.
A dog being examined by a veterinarian. Photography by Shutterstock.
How to Know Your Dog is Going to Vomit
This may seem silly but it helps to know the signs of a dog getting ready to vomit so you can have necessary equipment on hand before the expulsion. A well-prepared dog owner can recognize the signs of dog vomiting, grab her cleaning carrier and paper towels and beat the vomit to the floor. It can also help you prepare in case it is a situation where you’ll need to get help immediately.
Signs your dog is about to vomit:
- Wretching – that noise that comes from your dog that sounds like he has something stuck in his throat. You will also see his throat straining back and forth.
- Stiff Stance – your dog may become rigid as he attempts to keep from vomiting.
- Wandering – a dog will often wander aimlessly right before he vomits.
How to Deduce if Your Dog Has Eaten Something Poisonous or an Object
The first thing to do is to check your dog’s vomit. It may make you a bit queasy but, by doing this, you can look for any bits of foreign objects. Keeping an eye on your dog, look for food or products he might have eaten in the immediate area and the area he has just come from. Signs of things eaten include wrappers, crumbs, pieces of an object (such as a plastic bag) and things that used to be there that aren’t now.
List of Some Common Dangerous Things Swallowed That Can Make Your Dog Vomit
- Chocolate
- Avocado
- Any fruit pits
- Raisins or grapes
- Mushrooms
- Potato peelings
Household Products
- Cleaning products – any cleaning product is dangerous to dogs, though the natural ones are far less toxic.
- Anti-freeze
- Auto oil
- Cocoa mulch
- Gardening chemicals
- Some household plants.
Things We Forget About
- Bones that splinter
- Toys with removable parts
- String, rubber bands and even dental floss
- Sugarless chewing gum
How to Make Your Dog Vomit in an Emergency
Always try to call your vet or emergency clinic before considering inducing vomiting. Induce vomiting ONLY when it’s absolutely necessary and you’ve talked to a professional unless you suspect he’s eaten something dangerous (especially anti-freeze). But do not attempt to induce vomiting if your dog has lost consciousness or swallowed something that can harm his throat on the way back up, such as a sharp piece of bone.
To induce vomiting, open your dog’s mouth gently and squirt a small amount of an emetic like hydrogen peroxide or ipecac syrup down his throat. It takes around a teaspoon of ipecac syrup per 10 lbs. of body weight to induce vomiting. An overdose can cause heart problems so try to be accurate when measuring. Wait ten minutes and retry. If he doesn’t vomit after the second try, get him to a vet immediately.
What to Do After Your Dog has Vomited
- Make Certain There is No Obstruction – gently place your hand in his mouth and at the top of his throat. If he is wheezing or has trouble breathing, there could be an obstruction further down so get him to the vet immediately.
- Give Him Fluids – including electrolytes.
- Keep Him Warm – a blanket and hugs work well.
- Reassure Him – make sure he doesn’t think he’s done something wrong.
- Feed Bland Food – feed your dog a diet of cooked chicken and white rice for a few days.
How to Know When to Go to the Emergency Vet
Safe is always best so if you have any reason to be worried, call your vet or the emergency clinic immediately and go there. Also, look for signs of poisoning or obstruction. These include chills, shaking, breathing difficulty, seizure, drooling or staggering. And when you check your dog’s vomit, if you see any more than a few drops of blood or any amount of yellow bile, take him to the emergency vet ASAP.
Different Ends of the Spectrum — Puppies and Senior Dogs and Vomiting
Puppies and senior dogs vomit more than those in between. Follow these guidelines to look for danger signs but, if after your vet checks him over, don’t worry too much if they throw up almost daily, unless it is accompanied by other signs of illness. They both have less ability to keep food down than adult dogs.
With a bit of preparation you can be a Super-Vomitocious Dog Owner and be certain that your dog will be healthy and safe. Carrying a cloth and some Nature’s Miracle around doesn’t hurt either.
Read more about dog vomiting on
- All About Dog Gastrointestinal Issues — Diarrhea, Vomiting, Constipation and More
- Why is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam?
- Does Your Dog Throw Up Bile?
The post Dog Vomiting: What Canine Parents Need to Know appeared first on Dogster.
via Dogster
Relatively recent advances have determined that dogs may be safely sterilized as early as six to eight weeks old. Whether you have a female dog who is not spayed, or you’re just curious about canine gestation, we’re here to address the basics of dog pregnancy. One of the most common questions is, “How long are dogs pregnant?” Let’s talk about dog pregnancy and what to expect when a dog is expecting!
How long are dogs pregnant before they give birth to puppies?. Photography by Shutterstock
How long are dogs pregnant?
Female dogs who are not spayed tend to go into heat, or estrus, twice each year. Every six to eight months throughout their lives, female dogs prime themselves for the rigors of child rearing. While their reproductive cycles might become erratic or less regular as they reach advanced age, unlike humans, dogs do not experience menopause, remaining fertile well into seniority.
They spend about three weeks in heat, and are primed for egg fertilization for about the last two of those weeks. Though there can be minor variations, depending on breeds and sizes of dog, on the whole the gestation period for dogs is right around two months, or roughly 60 to 65 days from conception to birth. Based on our research, the average dog pregnancy seems to be right around nine weeks, or 63 days.
Signs of dog pregnancy
Since dog pregnancy is such a relatively rapid phenomenon, it can certainly sneak up on an unsuspecting dog owner. Tracking dog pregnancy symptoms requires a keen and observant eye, since a dog at the onset of fertility looks very much like she would at several weeks pregnant. The most frequently cited sign of pregnancy in dogs is nipples that are reddened, enlarged, or swelling, which also happens when a dog is in heat. Over the course of the gestation period for dogs, the teats will grow even larger as she begins to produce milk for forthcoming puppies.
In answering “how long are dogs pregnant,” it’s important to remember that, for larger dogs especially, the swollen abdomen that we notice in humans might not present until the last three weeks of pregnancy. For the first couple of weeks of a dog’s pregnancy, she may lose her appetite and become lethargic. Vomiting, which we associate with morning sickness in humans, may occur, but is one of the less common dog pregnancy symptoms. Along with the changes in the size of her teats, markedly lower energy and appetite levels may be the best early indicators for dog owners unacquainted with the process.
Dog pregnancy calendar
For the first two to three weeks of a dog’s pregnancy, she may experience changes in mood, attitude, and appetite. Her energy will decrease and she will be less keen for food. She may become more affectionate when you are with her, or more withdrawn and isolated. The range of changes in a dog may shift depending on her overall circumstances, health, and diet. The research shows that by the end of the fourth week, right around day 28, a veterinarian can confirm dog pregnancy with an ultrasound. An estimated due date can allow you to prepare the dog and your home for the arrival of puppies.
In weeks four through six, with a renewed appetite, a pregnant dog should begin to put on weight as her puppies develop. You may think about feeding her smaller but more frequent meals. Her abdomen will start to firm up and her teats will grow even larger as milk production continues. From weeks seven to nine, pregnant dogs should be noticeably larger, and in the last two, you should be able to feel the puppies when you touch her abdomen. Prepare a comfortable whelping box or closet, lined with newspapers, old quilts, blankets, or towels for the pregnant dog to nest in as she gears up for delivery. When whelping is imminent, she will lose her appetite again and prepare for labor.
Spay and neuter your dogs!
Spaying and neutering dogs is vital to preventing unexpected litters of puppies. With so many dogs waiting in shelters for adoption, it is better in the long run to sterilize your pet. Not only does a spayed or neutered dog avoid untimely pregnancies, but also diseases of the reproductive system that are associated with advanced age. In the 1940s and ’50s, it became traditional wisdom that dogs shouldn’t be sterilized until they were at least six months old. With current technology and veterinary medicine, spaying and neutering can be safely done at six to eight weeks of age.
If your dog is not spayed, it is even more important that you make sure she is vaccinated. Vaccination boosts not only the dog’s immunity to common diseases, but can improve the immunity of her puppies. It can also limit the virulence of any germs, viruses, or bacteria that newborn puppies may be exposed to during or after birth. The better care you take of your dog, the more likely it is that her pregnancy will be successful, and six to eight weeks after whelping, her puppies will be ready for adoption!
Thumbnail: Photography by Shutterstock.
And now… let’s read about puppies on
- Letting Your Puppy Sleep in Your Bed? Here’s How to Do It Safely
- How to Take Care of Your Dog’s Hair — From Puppyhood Through Their Senior Years
- Ready, Set, Debate! Which Breeds Have the Cutest Puppies?
The post How Long Are Dogs Pregnant? Everything to Know About Dog Pregnancy appeared first on Dogster.
via Dogster
Security blankets have great value—just ask Linus Van Pelt of Peanuts cartoon fame. His blanket gave him enough confidence to handle whatever life threw at him, especially out in the great big, wide world.
A blanket can help your dog handle adventures away from home, too. If your dog learns that a certain blanket is his, and often lies on it no matter where it is placed around the house, he will likely be more comfortable away from home if the blanket goes, too. It provides many of the advantages of bringing his crate with you wherever you go, but it is more portable. Blankets are lighter, easier to carry and can be taken lots of places that a crate can’t go.
via The Bark
Your dog is a member of your family, and it can be fun and convenient to take him with you when you hit the road. Unfortunately, without careful preparation, you may be putting him in danger. What can you do to ensure pooch has a safe journey?
Perhaps the best solution is a doggy seat belt. Most cars weren’t designed with dogs in mind, so your regular seat belt won’t fit him. Buy the right car harness, though, and you can keep any sized dog safely strapped up in the back.
This should also ensure he doesn’t go poking his head out the window. We all know how much dogs love to feel the breeze through their fur, but it’s actually pretty dangerous. He could get struck by a flying object, or even jump out.
via The Bark
No matter where you live, it is important to be prepared for the types of disasters that can occur in your area, such as hurricanes or tornadoes. Some disasters can even be so devastating they require evacuation. In this case, Angela Clendenin, public information officer for the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences’ Veterinary Emergency Team (VET), said it is best to take your furry family members with you.
“After a disaster strikes, the area in and around homes can be quite dangerous for pets,” Clendenin said.
For example, downed power lines can create a tremendous danger for animals, especially where a power line has fallen into a home or backyard. Additionally, fencing that has fallen or broken into pieces also can cause injury or death in pets.
Though some choose not to evacuate during a disaster, Clendenin said for the safety of those in your home, including pets, it is best to leave early. In fact, Clendenin recommended evacuating as soon as the first notice is issued.
“When evacuation is delayed, roads can get jammed with traffic or become impassible with early flooding or debris,” Clendenin said. “For those who need assistance with evacuating animals, resources may become scarce or non-existent as the threat from the disaster gets closer. Evacuating early ensures that pets and their owners are able to get to safety before the disaster hits.”
Despite our best efforts, it can be hard to think clearly when preparing to evacuate. Gathering enough supplies for pets and family members can be stressful and take a lot of time—which is why Clendenin recommended making an emergency pet kit.
“One of the best ways to prepare your pet for a potential disaster is to create a ‘go kit’ of necessary documents and supplies, which people can easily grab and transport with them in the event of an evacuation,” Clendenin said. “In the case that pet and livestock owners get separated, this kit should include photos of pets and descriptions of where livestock is located, using GIS coordinates, if possible. Ensuring your pets and livestock are microchipped or visibly tagged or marked is also a way to identify animals and establish ownership.”
In addition, be sure to pack a few days’ supply of food, water, medications, and comfort items for your pets. If you would like more information on what to pack in your emergency kit, Clendenin recommended visiting
Disasters are unpredictable and can affect anyone. Though we can’t control the weather, we can control how we react to disasters via our preparedness. If disaster is ever near your area, be sure to take caution and prepare your family and pets.
via Modern Dog Magazine Home
August 10 Is National Spoil Your Dog Day!
Spoiled dogs living a life of leisure!
Did you know that today is National Spoil Your Dog Day?
For folks like us, that’s pretty much every day, but we dog people aren’t the sort to shy away from more excuses to shower our pups with adoration! did a survey in which American dog owners revealed the top ways in which they pamper their pooches:
Give my dog a special treat (60 percent)
Tell my dog, “I love you.” (49 percent)
Buy or make a special gift for my dog. (36 percent)
Post photos of my dog all over social media. (30 percent)
Include my dog in special activities. (25 percent)
The survey also listed the top five most dog-loving states based on how regularly dog owners in each state engaged in loving behaviors with their dog. These were:
New York
How do you spoil your dog? Share stories and pics in the comments thread!
via Life With Dogs